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Extra-Terrestrial- a story with Meta Humans


Unreal Engine, Mixamo, After Effects


Environment Setup, Storyboarding, Lighting, Animating, Rigging, FX, Colour Grading, Post Production, Cinematography

"Extra-Terrestrial" is a visually stunning short story crafted within Unreal Engine 5, featuring lifelike MetaHumans and dynamic Mixamo animations. The project is set in a futuristic spaceship environment that finds itself in the midst of a thrilling confrontation with a land teeming with hostile aliens.

The narrative unfolds aboard a sophisticated spaceship that has landed on an alien planet. The crew, represented by meticulously designed MetaHumans, must navigate the dangers posed by the planet's aggressive inhabitants. As the aliens launch an all-out attack on the spacecraft, the tension escalates, showcasing high-quality animation and immersive storytelling.

Key Features:

MetaHumans: Utilizing Unreal Engine's advanced MetaHuman technology, the project features highly realistic human characters, enhancing the emotional depth and realism of the story.
Mixamo Animations: The animations are powered by Mixamo, ensuring smooth and believable character movements that bring the action-packed scenes to life.
Spaceship Setting: The interior and exterior of the spaceship are detailed with futuristic design elements, creating an immersive environment that adds to the overall narrative.
Alien Planet: The alien world is richly textured and populated with a variety of alien species, each designed to present unique challenges to the human crew.
Dynamic Interaction: The project highlights interactive elements between characters and their environment, emphasizing the advanced capabilities of Unreal Engine 5.

"Extra-Terrestrial" is a showcase of cutting-edge technology in digital storytelling, blending high-quality character design and animation within a gripping sci-fi narrative. This project not only highlights the capabilities of Unreal Engine 5 but also pushes the boundaries of what can be achieved in short-form digital media.

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